Hypnotherapy can be helpful for a variety of things in our lives. Our approach takes a comprehensive look at what your goals are and how they relate to all aspects of your life! Here you'll find a comprehensive list of what our staff has helped people work through with hypnotherapy. If you don't see something specific, feel free to reach out and we'd be more than happy to answer any questions!

Two people sitting and talking

How We Help




Career Success

Change Habits

Child Birth






Exam anxiety




Habit Control*

Healthy Boundaries



Irrational Thoughts*




Nail Biting

Negative Thinking

Pain Management*

Performance Anxiety


Public Speaking


Relationship Communication

Resistance to Change


Self Confidence


Smoking Cessation

Social Media Addiction


Study Habits

Weight Control

*It's important to note some areas of focus may require a medical referral or therapist referral to ensure you're receiving professional care from a licensed professional.

We're more than happy to work alongside your current physician or therapist and build a collaborative approach that will best suite your needs!

Stress & Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety seem to go hand in hand with a lot of the areas our clients are looking to improve upon. By taking a comprehensive approach we look to understand how what you're experiencing is impacting your stress and anxiety levels in your life.

Whether you're working on communication, motivation or a fear, we aim to build tools and resilience to both stress and anxiety as it relates to your specific goals creating and overall stronger approach and lasting results!

Man working on tablet


Overthinking, negative/irrational thoughts, even jealousy! Thoughts can dominate the majority of our day and even our lives. If you're experiencing negative or unproductive thinking patterns, it could start having an impact on your life, your work and your relationships.

Hypnotherapy can help you realign your thinking and concentration to help you take control over your mind and your life.

Relationship Communication

Our lives are made up of relationships in a number of ways. Whether it’s a relationship with a loved one, family member, spouse or even a professional relationship, it is often important we know how to navigate and communicate effectively in these situations.

There are many subconscious reasons for the partners we pick, how we handle professional communication and how we interact with our friends.

Understanding how you and others communicate can help you maintain strong and lasting connections or recognize some connections may not be for you. Once you understand, you no longer have to feed into the cycle of those negative communication encounters and can start shaping your relationships in the way that works best for you.

Couple holding hands, looking at each other

Fears & Phobias

Fears and phobias can have a significant impact on our lives. It could be anything from a fear of public speaking, spiders or airplanes or something more internal such as fear of failure, emetophobia or a fear of commitment. Hypnotherapy can help to systematically desensitize and ultimately remove those fears and phobias in a healthy way!

female staring out of plane window in the sky

Habit Control & Change

There can be many underlying reasons as to why it’s hard to let go of an old habit or create a new one and hypnotherapy can help sort those out. From nail biting to poor sleep habits or smoking to alcohol use, Centered Hypnotherapy can help build a plan for you.

*Some habits or addictions may require a medical referral or completion of a rehabilitation program prior to starting, contact us to learn more.